A few years ago I used to be obsessed with bag's. I'd happily buy a new one every month! However I have since cleared and sold a few. This then of course made me think, "I have room again now, I can buy more!" So that's what I've done. The only problem with working in retail, and in a popular high street store, is that your surrounded by lovely clothes and accessorises for a long period of time. I guess in the end you just need them in your life. This is what happened with this bag. I'd been wanted to pick up this bag up for a while, I almost did at London Fashion Week, however I already had too much to pack anyway. So last week I finally pushed my debit card into the H&M card machine and basically gave them back my wages. (I'm so weak) 
This bag is getting popular very quickly, It's even sold out in a number of stores. so get there quick girls! This bag is the perfect spring/summer bag. The colour is just beautiful, along with the size just being right. I know the bag version was very popular, however I'm happy I got this colour as it is just so different and beautiful. 

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