Today it has actually been extremely hot, like I was out walking my dog without a coat. It's mental how quickly the weather changes in the UK. Meanwhile, festival ticket's have now gone on sale, and all the summer preparation's are finally beginning. This month it's St Patrick's day, (17th march) I love St Patrick's day, everyone just seems so much jollier and well I guess just a bit inspired by the old luck of the irish! So here are my essential's that I'll be taking with me along into summer. 
Of course alcohol is very popular especially Guinness, which is why i included this awesome wall bottle opener from homewetbar. I'm actually considering getting this for my dad has he love's his beer, and also our speaking Homer Simpson one is getting a little annoying. While it's also just a great little feature that can easily be nailed to the wall. And yeah the paper cup's kind of explain themselves, if you're throwing a paddy party these are great to not allow any glasses to get abused. 
Then let's get onto what you should wear! I have literally fell in love with this coin playsuit from New Look, like seriously, how classic yet elegant is it? ah I'm in love. While the playsuit is pretty basic, with the rest of the outfit I added a lot of colour, from the lipstick from Illamasqua being a bright pop bubblegum pink, to peached pair of heel's. Let's face it, when you go for a few drink's or on a night out it's the only time you can let your style really go OTT, so why not add the colour's as you party your way into the summer celebrating all of the occasions that lead up to it!