Now I'm happy to admit that I'm a very loyal black skinny jean girl. You can just throw them on with any outfit and go. However spring now approaching it time to brighten up the wardrobe. So the other week while browsing the Riverisland in the Bullring, they had a 20% off offer on when you spend £50. I'd had my eye on a top I'd wanted for ages, so with the offer it was the perfect opportunity and of course for a new pair of jeans. I'd recently switched to Riverisland jeans after to be honest, getting a bit sick of the poor quality in TOPSHOP Joni Jeans. While Riverisland jeans are a little more expensive the quality and the fact they are actual jeans unlike the legging feel of the Joni's. I can't seem to find the shade of jeans on the website, however they are the "High Waisted MOLLY" jeans. So far I've been really blending the blue jeans into my wardrobe pretty well.