Bag - Primark (£9)
Grey Dropped Back Baggy Top - Primark (£6)
Cardi - Primark (£12)
Ankle Studded Booties - Primark (£10)
Jeans - Internationale (£19.99)
Cross Ring - HartsNCrosses (£2.?)
Necklace - HartsNcrosses (£3)
Oh chilly chilly, it's autumn time. I love a bit of sun, but I don't half love a cheeky chunky knit cardi. I just love going the day with a lovely warm cardi or jumper on. I must admit I hate winter. For it's weather. It's wet, it snows. It's cold. But i love A/W fashion! I feel like you don't need to make a massive effort as-well in the winter. so it's great to just be able to throw on a knitted jumper and be kept warm, yet keep a stylish look. I can't wait to pull out all my grandad jumpers. one piece i'm after for my A/W collection has to be a boyfriend tweeded blazer! Oh i love the one in Riverisland at the moment. However I hate spending large amounts on one item. 
  If you follow me on twitter you will of heard me go on about this new cardi. As soon as I spotted it in Primark I grabbed my size and ran off. It's not one of them itchy knits. it's one of them 'i can live in you all winter' seriously i do not need a boyfriend now i have this bad boy. 
  The bag I've had for a while now. I'm currently using it for college. I just love the studs. It's very large however i don't see it lasting me too long! Along with the top you've probably saw way to many times before! but that top is just great for lazy days.
 BOOTS! awww aint they adorable. i call them the flat's of JC's i would love to have a pair of Jeffery Campell's but I'm just far too tall to even have the balance to walk in heels. while I hate to stand out and look 'HUGE' However I think once I start going out drinking and nights out more i'll probably live in Heels. But these are so cute. I brought the exact same pair of these Primark last year without the studs. and I lived in them! So of course I had to have these bad ass studded cheeky minx's. Clothes are my friends. 
& of course i'm still wearing my cute cross ring, and necklace! from Harts+Crosses