Soo, hello all my lovely followers! I know I recently did a post about my up and coming project of my customised army camo's/jackets! Well today I went and collected them! and I'm so happy with them I may keep one for myself! The jackets are alot different to my one I recently uploaded before, These jackets are alot thinner, and all have unique ranges of different badges.
I've looked around and saw that a lot of places are selling their versions for around £60-£80 I will be selling Plain camo's for around £35 as they are official Army jackets from a army base, mean while the same jackets but customised with studs and skulls etc will be sold for £45. With each of my jackets I'm also going to giving a free bracelet with every purchase! If you would like to buy a plain one now, do let me know, however customised ones, will be not be sold and up in my shop till next week! I only have a limited amount of sizes for now, also so you will need to get your orders in straight away once they are in the store. 
Hope to be shopping with you soon solider!