Jacket - Riverisland 
Disco pants - Love Label
Studded Shoes - TOPSHOP
Bag - Riverisland 
Grey Top - Primark
So today I went to brimingham! ah how I love to shop there compared to my town centre there is sooo much more variety. However I was very disappointed as I wanted to get my hat today however no where had it. boo. however after constant ''should i'' ''shouldn't i'' I FINALLY DID IT! I GOT MY NOSE PIERCED for soooo long now i've wanted to get it done but never got around to it. however today I went for it. and ohhh how it hurt like a b***h i actually cried. and got blood everywhere but it's so worth it has I love it so much. I didnt buy much today I brought a few random beauty products and had a look at some of MACS cosmetics however I think i'll stick to my cheaper make up for now.