On Tuesday I attended the Photography Show at NEC Birmingham. I went along with my lovely photography student and awesome blogging friend Elizabeth!  (check out her awesome blog) So what is the Photography Show? (may of been called Focus) The Photography Show is for anyone interested in taking pictures - from someone keen to move on from their iphone to someone that is considering turning professional. The Photography Show is designed to inspire and educate photographers. The Photography Show takes place from the 1st - 4th March at the NEC Birmingham, which is easily accessible from across the UK. 
The Photography Show is fairly new, hence why I hadn't heard about it before, and why I was a little worried I wouldn't be too interested. However photography has always been a passion of mine, when I was younger I did art, I took this on into college, where I studied photography A level's. Then when I started my blog it was just a natural passion I continued into my posts. At one point I even wanted to be a fashion photographer! 
Once we arrived I was shocked how packed it actually was, I would even go as far to say it was busier than the Clothes Show! There was a range of stall's for everything you could possibly need, from lighting, tripod's, to picture frames! It really was a eye-opener to how expensive and how much kit there is to just take one photo these days. Around the venue there were also a range of stage's. Here speakers, and demonstrations were being held. One even had a man on a motorbike, just posing as you do. 
Over all I really enjoyed myself at the show, I even almost brought myself a new camera. The Photography Show is an event I would recommend blogger's who do care, and enjoy photography to attend. I think that Photography plays a big part in your blogs layout. So it really is worth attending, gaining tip's and just having fun! Although if you love a good selfie, or five, It's pretty much selfie central. (you can check out my instagram snaps over at @unwrittenchloee) 

(I was kindly sent ticket's to attend The Photography Show. No other payments were received.)