The other day I challenged myself to get my cooking hat on. When I was younger I'd always be baking away with my nan. (I made the best strawberry tart, I tell you.) However through my teenage year's of course I ditched the baking for shopping. However I popped over to the Baking Mad website and searched their thousands of recipes. Seriously if you need a recipe it's on there! I was already sent some ingredients for my cake so I had some boundaries in what I could make. I was sent lots of chocolate goody's! I was also sent some green icing! While green is my favourite colour, and I love a bit of icing this icing was a bugger to get out which is my excuse for why the icing decoration is so terrible. 
For the basic recipe I followed this recipe for a Chocolate Cake with rose petals. Of course I could of been creative and got some flowers and used the green icing for leaves. But I've literally only just thought of that so, that just didn't happen. The baking mad site is perfect for anyone looking for easy steps to creating a cake, knowing the prep time, the servings all in one place. The layout of the site is also very pretty and girly perfect for you and your mum on mothers days, for a bit of bonding! 
 Overall my cake turned out fine, along with the creamed icing, however I won't be giving up my day job for icing cakes. 

Do you enjoy baking? where do you go for inspiration?