Do you remember that day you decided to create a blog? maybe it was last week, a few days ago, years ago! Well that was the day you took your passion and something you love and decided to develop and share your opinions with others. When you first make a blog it's for you, it's for the passion of make up, fashion or lifestyle. (Whatever your theme) However suddenly you discover the world of PR, and brands that want to give you free products, clothing and even money to write a few hundred words! unfortunately you can go down the greedy lane and this could affect your blogs CV. 
In this post I will tell you my DO's & DONT's to blogging. All points are my opinion and views. Do not take them to heart or get a little bitchy itchy with it. 
put your foot in the sand It's like starting school all over again. you need to sell yourself in which to gain readers. it does seem if you have bright pink hair or are drop dead sexy the followers just come instantly (please do not think you should dye your hair pink to gain followers or consider plastic surgery)  to me what sells a blog is humor, layout and some good ass photography skills. This of course will be different to everyone. 
keep calm, don't beg oh god the dreaded tweet, comment and emails from fellow bloggers begging you to follow their blog, advertising their giveaway. DO NOT beg or send your link to another blogger if they haven't asked. I'm all for receiving links in chats (#bbloggers / #fbloggers #fblchat ) but don't send without the blogger saying they want to see other blogs. 
be friendly you really want to develop relationships within the blogging community. Take part in the chats which you feel you can make a valued input. Maybe even be a bit weird and make conversation with other bloggers on twitter! it's the easiest way to make friendships! I've made some life long friends through blogging so don't ever say no to a coffee or s shopping trip with a few blogging bezzies. 
events and meet ups, cocktails please? After a while of blogging suddenly you get the exciting emails being invited to some pretty snazzy events. Events are a great way to get a preview into new collections, products etc. While you may get the awesome free goody bag you also get to expose your blog to brands and fellow bloggers you meet. Of course brands think its cool to invite you last minute to probably the best events. Make your you follow all your favorite brands on all social media to make you you get the invite first! Meet ups are well, in the title. Meet up are usually organised by fellow bloggers however I've now started to see a increase in brands doing their own blogger meet up. Meet ups are where you need to make the magic happen if you're hoping to make friendships. You get to spend the day chatting to fellow bloggers about all things blogging and maybe even other life situations! so, please don't be shy and do go along no matter how nervous you may be! 
let them come to you hunnie yay free stuff! as your blog begins to become bigger brands will reach out to you, to make a collaboration with you. Now at first you will be overwhelmed and will say yes to everything. (free stuff hell to the yeah) However you will then want to take into consideration what your readers will appreciate and if that brand will get good exposure on your blog. When doing collaborations you want to make a good impression and make the company want to work with you again. Think of a creative way to involve the company in your blog. 

so here are just a few of my tips from my experience of blogging. I hope some of these help you if not oh well. I'd been asked to do this post for a while now so here it is! I hope your all well.

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