Midi Polo Neck Dress - Primark
Shoes - Converse*
Jacket - Be beau DIY*
Bag - Misco
Glasses - Riverisland
Ring - Primark

hey hey! Look at me looking all grunge and BLONDE! yes, I took the step of going blonde, I only did highlights. & I'm still to lighten them a bit more as their a bit dodgy in some places but I still love! love! love! LOOOOOOVE!! I cant believe how different I look with just highlights, I will definitely leave it a while before I go fully blonde. 
A more grungey look with this outfit and not something I would usually wear. The dress I've wanted for a while and was only £8 from Primark. So I had to have it. and I paired the dress with a old shirt to add layers and my converse which I only usually wear to drive! so a very different style from me, please let me know if you like or hate. no shame like! 


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