Jacket - Riverisland
Shirt - Vintage (Birmingham rag market stall)
Shorts - Primark (DIY Studs)
Beanie - www.amazon.co.uk
Ankle Boots - Primark 
So a little update...it's finally half term at college. (yay) I really need a break! However I have a large amount of course work that needs to be done. so I'm not out of the bag just yet. Also I had a big throw back a few days ago when my previous ex got back in contact. I know I don't really go into my personal life alot on here. But tbh Mine and his break up was the result of this blog tbh. But yeah i'm talking to him again but i'm stubborn to not let him get in the way. I've finally settled to a happy place recently. Oh & I have my first exam for my nail course when I return on the 31st! but very excited to then go on to acrylics and nail art! Also. I had my iphone contact cancelled after a fall out with my mom. very gutted. However I will have a new contract sunday so i'll be abusing twitter again. ha sorry guys! 
On the other hand this outfit I wore Thursday  And i'd arranged it ages ago. Just never actually wore it. But i did. Basically my shirt is so over sized that it could be worn as a dress. however i'm not as brave or as i would say 'slutty' to wear it as a dress so I did add some shorts under for less em-brassing moments. This outfit definitely as a mixture of different colours and textures. But it's a great A'W outfit of mine. I was kept warm all day long. I'm just loving tartan, i really want a tartan scarf. however the only one i've found is £60. ooops. 

What should I be for Halloween?