No one is more happier to see the back of 2015 more than me. For me 2015 really was a year of trial and error. However it wasn't all doom and gloom, I met some amazing life long friends, and saw a bit of the world. 2016 is going to be the year I be more selfish for my own happiness and not others. 

1. TRAVEL, WHERE EVER, ANYWHERE. first stop Amsterdam. 
2. BLOG, ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVEN MY FOOD. get the camera out.
3. FRIENDSHIPS, BIN THE BAD. realise who actually are there for you. 
4. WORK, HARD, PASSIONATE, LOVE IT AGAIN. remember you use to love your job.
6. STICK TO ONE HAIR COLOUR. chloe your killing your hair. 
7. GIGS, MUSIC, FESTIVALS. go to anything your interested in, don't be afraid. 
8. READ, BIOGRAPHIES, NOVELS, JOHN GREEN. fall in love with a book.
9. DRAW, SKETCH, DOODLE. pick up your pencil again. 
10. START SAVING FOR LA. I will go visit the city I'm in love with. 
11. EMBRACE THE STRUGGLES OF YOUR 20'S. let the joys begin. 
12. KEEP CONTACT. don't loose touch with people who aren't as close.
13. VISIT LONDON MORE, MUSEUMS, SHOPPING. embrace the country we live in.
14. LESS DRINKING, NO MORE WINE TIME. you can't hack the nights out coco. 
15. DRIVING. SAFETY. stop rushing. 
16. BE MORE ORGANISED. buy a planner, calendar, something.