I'm the queen of mess. The problem with me is I'm lazy, or I do everything last minute so I don't give myself a lot of time to tidy up after myself. I also have a very small room with doesn't exactly help me out. Although I won't try and sugar coat it for you, I'm just messy. I've still not un packed from Paris and my case, and a range of about three different handbags still lie on my floor. I'm forever getting told to tidy my room, or I was clever and got my ex's boyfriend's to clean it for me. I was even more clever by getting a boyfriend with OCD cleaning. (see what I did there) However it seems it's actually ok to have all your clothes, shoes, bags on the floor. You're just building your Floordrobe!  It's safe to say I will no longer feel guilty when I get told to tidy up my mess, it's clearly just my new floordrobe, I'm desperate to fill up! Which of course means more clothes. But of course if you're planning on creating your floordrobe now you better make sure you've got yourself some good flooring first! Over at UK Flooring Direct they have discovered that 53% of people have admitted to have a floordrobe. 

Are you guilty of having a floordrobe? Have your floordrobe on twitter by using the #Floordrobe

(disclaimer : please do not judge me for my floordrobe.)