So my outfit post's just aren't working for me at the moment, so I've just spent the last hour looking at old outfits's and my style of presenting them on my blog. I guess the joy of being a very committed blogger is you set yourself standards for your posts. I hate uploading a post I'm not 1006% happy with. There-fore let's look back at a few of my recent posts and what i loved the most from them. 
Tomorrow I plan to get my 'fashion blogger' hat back on and get some presentable posts up for you guys. I also want to try a few new things out, so look forward to a few changes in the next few months! As you will know I'm off to London Fashion Week next week *squeals* the past few day's I've been pretty committed to just sorting that all out. But I may do a few cheeky glimpses of the item's I'll be taking along with me to LFW! For my look's I tried a lot of new styles, and I think you will all be shocked! I know this was bit of a random post, but I wanted to inspire myself and share my favourites with you.