I've finally started my Christmas shopping and already got all the presents for my brother! (yay) just another 5 people to go...oh. Anyway I've really enjoyed reading other people's gift guides. Especially Oi Polloi blog. So why not get my own out? As I've already shopped for my brother I thought I'd share the  items I'd usually buy for the lads. I don't know why but I always buy the lads clothes, I think having a girls choice is nice sometimes especially as there's nothing wrong with some new clothes. When it comes to buying for lad's it's not like you can really buy them all the thing's girl's love, such as make up, handbags etc. So sock's and gloves are the way to go! I think when buying for men, your also able to have more of a laugh with your presents, e.g. the slippers are a classic funny present to give. However you may aswell purchase some useful items to give to your loved ones such as gloves and a range of other outwear clothing from Jacksons Of Old Arley.